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How to contract, pay, and resolve disputes with freelancers?

Most businesses strive to be agile because it is the best strategy in times of uncertainty. But often a company's success hinges on talented and qualified employees, such as engineers, lawyers, artists, or designers.


Pavel Shynkarenko for Forbes: "AI won't be able to take away everyone’s job"

Writing in his Forbes column, the CEO of Solar Staff explains the average freelancer’s development path and why AI won't replace all of us.


How To Deal With Payroll Fraud And Security

Solar Staff’s CEO Pavel Shynkarenko has contributed an article to, in which he covers the most widespread types of payroll fraud


Word of mouth marketing: effectiveness and potential

Pavel Shynkarenko, co-founder and CEO of Solar Staff, has contributed an article on word-of-mouth marketing for In it, he lays out tips on leveraging WOM marketing to capture leads and boost revenues


Remarkable Success Story of Solar Staff, Generating Over $872k a month

Pavel Shynkarenko has given an interview to the AboutHire blog, in which he shed light on Solar Staff’s business model and the way it generates revenue. Pavel also shared some strategies


Solar Staff COO Anna Likhopyorskaya interviewed on future of work

Anna Likhopyorskaya, Solar Staff’s COO, gave an interview to Authority Magazine. She spoke about what the future of work had in store and advised employers on how to make their organizations resilient in the long term