Just do your work, we'll take care of the routine

Con Solar Staff, puede colaborar fácilmente con muchas empresas de todo el mundo. Concéntrese en lo que mejor sabe hacer y nosotros nos ocuparemos del papeleo, los pagos y la seguridad de la transacción.

Oferta asegurada

Participa en cada proyecto sabiendo que tus intereses están protegidos con nuestro habilitador de acuerdos seguros

Trámites de automóviles

Menos tiempo dedicado a tareas administrativas tediosas: usted y sus clientes recibirán automáticamente los documentos principales y de cierre

Cumplimiento normativo

Manejamos el intrincado laberinto de regulaciones globales, garantizando que cada acuerdo se alinee con los estándares locales e internacionales

Cuidado, no solo apoyo

Nuestro equipo de atención lo ayudará a resolver cualquier problema y a responder sus preguntas. Obtenga ayuda rápida, experta y amistosa siempre que la necesite

Acepta pagos desde cualquier parte del mundo a través de solo una aplicación

33 globales y locales


Pago múltiple
y métodos de retiro


2% — 3,5%

la gente dice

Everyone I have communicated with at Solar Staff has been professional and friendly. Whenever there have been issues, they have worked with me to resolve them, and generally, they are proactive about ensuring that things are working as-expected. Service has only improved, my client began using their services

Y Ganota from France

So far, my experience with Solar Staff has been great. The customer service is amazing. I highly recommend

Liz Wangui from Kenia

I had a problem with a transaction that I never received, and I couldn’t find the money with the bank, but they spoke to me again to check on my problem, and they were able to locate my transaction and refund it back. Thank you so much team, you were very helpful. I hope the application goes popular

Mayar Dorgham from Egypt

The money comes at a normal rate, without delays. During the whole time (9 months) there was one problem, which was solved quickly enough

CoMbO from Ukraine

Solar Staff is very easy to set up and use. Also, trustworthy. I have been using Solar Staff more than a year, and I'm very happy

Özgen Tüzün from Turkey